=== Usernoise modal feedback / contact form === Contributors: cherrydev Tags: feedback, contact, form, contact form, email, ajax, custom, admin, button, russian, dashboard, lightbox, ipad, plugin, jquery, comments, responsive Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 4.1 Stable tag: 3.7.20 Modal contact / feedback form designed "the Apple way". == Description == Usernoise is a "just works" modal contact / feedback form. It became responsive starting from 3.5 release. You will not need to change even a line of code in your site. = Demo = Usernoise demo is available at [usernoise.karevn.com](http://usernoise.karevn.com) - a "Feedback" button at the left. = Go Pro = __[Usernoise Pro](http://codecanyon.net/item/usernoise-pro-advanced-modal-feedback-debug/1420436?ref=karevn)__ adds even more features, like: * Public feedback comments * CSS customization for every piece of public interface. * Advanced debug info gathered along with feedback * Ability to use custom Feedback buttons without code modifications. * Second email for admin notifications. * [usernoise] form shortcode to embed the form right into WP pages or posts. = Features = * Adds a customizable "Feedback" button and modal form to your site. * Responsive! * Bullet-proof visual design will work with any site template. * Spam-proof. Usernoise is designed in such a way that most of spam bots can't see its form. * Admin notifications, feedback archive available at admin area. * Modal window can be controlled by Javascript API. * __On-page forms added in 3.0__ * Lots, lots of options. * Highest performance possible. From 2.0 release, Usernoise only adds a small link to your site's HTML. = Compatibility = * IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Safari on iPad supported. * Usernoise can be disabled on mobile devices. * WordPress 3.2 is required. = No-WordPress version = __[Non-WordPress version](http://codecanyon.net/item/usernoise-modal-contact-feedback-form/3461759?ref=karevn)__ is available at CodeCanyon. = Translations = If you need Usernoise in your language which is not supported currently - you can help Usernoise by translating it. Don't worry, translating is extremely easy - just [download a localization template](http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/usernoise/languages/usernoise.pot), edit it with your favorite text editor and send to email karev.n (at) gmail dot com. Your help will be really appreciated. __Available translations__ * Arabic - by Ahmad Mohammad * Deutsch - by Alexander from [http://motday.tk/] * Brazilian - by Ricardo Silva * Bulgarian - by Димитър Митев * Chineze - by Song Zou * Czech - by Ondřej Fiala * Dutch - by Reggie Biemans * Finnish - by Teijo Kulmala * French - by Brad Coudray * Greek - by (Artemis Kasomoulis)[http://www.kasomoulis.com/] * Italian - by Omar D. Molteni aka CyberAngel * Lithuanian - by Vincent G from [host1free.com] * Hungarian - by Bálint * Persian - by Morteza Nazari * Polish - by Konrad Sztumski * Portuguese - by rasilva * Romanian - by Alexis Selăgianu * Russian * Spanish - by Dario Doidos * Swedish - by Mattias Thurfjell * Tamil - by Bagerathan Sivarajah * Turkish - by Can Türk * Ukrainian - by Vladyslav Cherednichenko = Support = Having problems or need support? Feel free to email me - cherry (dot) dev (at) gmail (dot) com or [open a support topic](http://wordpress.org/tags/usernoise?forum_id=10#postform). == Installation == 1. Upload `usernoise` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. Go to Settings - Usernoise in admin area of your site, set it up to your needs. == Frequently Asked Questions == 1. **Usernoise button does not show after installation** - Check if your theme has `` call at `header.php`. Also check if some of your plugins install their own jQuery versions. Feel free to contact me for help. 2. **I have problems with notification email delivery** - It is a generic WordPress problem with outgoing emails. You can use [All In One Email plugin](http://codecanyon.net/item/all-in-one-email-for-wordpress/1290390) to fix it and have HTML emails instead of plain text. 3. **Can I open a feedback window using some other button?** - yes, you just need to upgrade to [Usernoise Pro](http://codecanyon.net/item/usernoise-pro-advanced-modal-feedback-debug/1420436). 4. **When I fill the feedback form and click "Submit feedback" button - the loader spins, and nothing happens** - most probably, you have `define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);` in your `wp-config.php`, also check if you have Site Url option at the general settings page equal to actual site url (www prefix matters!). 4. **Is Usernoise spam-proof?** -- Yes, it almost is. Let me know if you are receiving a lot of spam with Usernoise - I'll try to help. 5. **I need Usernoise in my language** - [Download a localization template](http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/usernoise/languages/usernoise.pot), edit it with your favorite text editor, and send me to `karev.n (at) gmail dot com`. I will include your translation and credits into the next Usernoise release. It takes 2-3 days usually. 7. **Can I add some custom fields to Usernoise form?** - Yes, you can, but it requires some coding skills. Use `un_feedback_form_body` action and `un_validate_feedback` filter. 8. **Usernoise is missing /some feature/** - Feel free to contact me! I really appreciate new ideas. == Screenshots == 1. Usernoise form. 2. Admin bar with "New usernoise records" notification. 3. Admin interface == Changelog == = 3.7.20 = * Translations re-scanned * “Apostrophe in site name” fix. = 3.7.13 - 3.7.19 = * Translations updated: French, Hebrew = 3.7.13-3.7.15= * Minor CSS compatibility fixes * Translation fixes * Changed placeholders for logged in users = 3.7.12 = * DB revision bumped to fix the problem for upgrades. = 3.7.11 = * Fix: feedback category tabs did not show if 3.7.10 was the first version installed. = 3.7.10 = * Czech language added. * Hebrew language added. * Deutsch localisation updated. = 3.7.9 = * XSS vulnerabilities fixed. * Added "Name" field to the form. = 3.7.8 = * Bug fixed: feedback editor page did not open without Pro installed. = 3.7.7 = * Mobile detection bugfix * Improved compatibility for feedback editor. = 3.7.6 = * Bug fixed that disabled embedded Usernoise if "disable on mobiles" was enabled. * Removed the padding left at feedback tabs when icons are disabled = 3.7.5 = * RTL-related CSS fixes * Mobile detection using Mobile Detect library by Serban Ghita * An option to allow direct publishing. = 3.7.4 = * Warning fixed. * CSS fixes. * de_DE translation fix. = 3.7.3 = * Added an option to disable Feedback button and form icons for sake of Bootstrap compatibility. * Minor CSS fixes. = 3.7.2 = * On-page form bugfixes. = 3.7.1 = * Minor housekeeping... = 3.7 = * Editable field placeholders. * Updated .po files. * Turkish language. * Just use <a href="#usernoise">link<a> to open Usernoise from anywhere. * Deutsch translation fixed. * Russian localization fixed. * Improved on-page mode. = 3.6.1 = * Icon on a feedback button added * More reliable database upgrade mechanism. = 3.6 = * Font Awesome instead of images for icons. * jQuery 1.9 compatibility fixed. = 3.5 = * jQuery 1.9 compatible * Responsive! = 3.0.10 = * Minor CSS and validation fixes. = 3.0.8 = * Greek translation added, thanks to (Artemis Kasomoulis)[http://www.kasomoulis.com/] = 3.0.7 = * Swedish translation updated. = 3.0.6 = * Fake release to fix Usernoise auto-updates. = 3.0.5 = * Fixed a compatibility issue with NextGEN gallery. = 3.0.4 = * Reverted back to admin-ajax.php entry point due to numerous compatibility issues. * Added permission management code to activation hook. = 3.0.3 = * Caching issue fixed. = 3.0.2 = * Fake release to fix WordPress.org plugin page. = 3.0 = * On-page forms added. * Lithuanian translation updated. * Tamil translation added, thanks to Bagerathan Sivarajah. * Arabic translation added, thanks to Ahmad Mohammad. * Romanian translation added, thanks to Alexis Selăgianu. * German translation updated. * A bug fixed that prevented Tahoma-based style to be shown. * Helvetica as a default window font. = 2.0.4 = * Call-time pass-by-reference's removed for better PHP 5.4. compatibility. * Returned back a "Font" setting removed by accident. * Fixed a bug with "ok" button at the thankyou screen. = 2.0.3 = * Persian language added - thanks to Morteza Nazari * "Submit" button font size increased * Updated Lithuanian translation = 2.0.2 = * Comment bug fixed * Lithuanian translation added, thanks to Justinas Jakūnas = 2.0.1 = * A fix for installations with custom url(s). * Redirection from feedback items at admin improved. * A fix for "Enable / Disable" usernoise option. * Russian translation updated, .pot file updated. = 2.0.0 = * Better compatibility with IE8 when the button is placed at the left or at the right * iFrame instead of inline div design should dramatically increase compatibility and make it bullet-proof * Redirect back to feedback list when an item is saved. * Updated Russian localization. * .pot file updated * Added Polish translation, thanks to Konrad Sztumski = 1.0.5 = * Minor Javascript API extension * CSS compatibility fix for [Avisio theme](http://themeforest.net/item/avisio-business-and-portfolio/113278) = 1.0.4 = * Workaround for Windows hosting problem * Better info about Pro without throwing to the third party site. = 1.0.3 = * Upgrade ad only shown on Usernoise pages. = 1.0.2 = * 'Usernoise is disabled' notice removed for non-admin users at admin area. * Broken theme detector added. * Updated to latest Plugin Options Framework and HTML Helpers libraries. = 1.0.1 = * Bulgarian translation updated, thanks to Димитър Митев * Broken Turkish translation removed * Typo in "Your feedback has been sent" fixed * Admin notices removed * Plugin options framework updated * Final cleanup before Pro version release = 1.0 = * CSS compatibility with PressWork * Added Bulgarian translation, thanks to Димитър Митев. * Added Hungarian translation, thanks to Bálint. * Added Norwegian translation, thanks to Arnfinn Anda. * Updated .po files - dear translator, please update your translations. * Settings page totally rewritten using Plugin Options Framework. * HTML Helpers updated to latest version. = 0.5.1 = * Chineze localization added, thanks to Song Zou * Theme compatibility imporoved: Usernoise is loaded in header by default, but an option to load it in footer added. Loading in footer makes page loading a bit faster, but can be broken easily. * Removed ads from admin. = 0.5 = * Swedish localization added, thanks to Mattias Thurfjell * Multilinguality-friendliness. If you'll blank titles/texts at the admin area - default values will be loaded from localization specific to current WP language. * Minor event system change. * CSS compatibility fixed - reset code for height, text-shadow and box-shadow added * Brazilian localization added, thanks to Ricardo Amaral = = * Usernoise auto-disables during update to 0.4.6 - fixed. * Feedback button CSS compatibility fix. = 0.4.6 = * Finnish localization added * Reverted to 0.4.4-like "Feedback" button position * CSS compatibility improved for "close" button * A bit of invalid HTML fixed * Finnish localization updated * A bug preventing Usernoise from loading with custom entry point files and DOING_AJAX defined fixed. = 0.4.5 = * Italian localization added * Code cleanup and minor optimizations = 0.4.4 = * Compatibility fix should resolve incompatibility with themes having .left, .right classes defined. = 0.4.3 = * Ukrainian localization added, thanks to Vladyslav Cherednichenko. * Security fix - dashboard widget should be only visible to editor and administrator users. = = * Better compatibility with old jQuery versions. = = * Hotfix - "can't view submitted feedback" problem resolved. = 0.4.2 = * Deutsch localization added, thanks to Alexander from [http://motday.tk/] * Duplicated close buttons bug fixed. * Theme compatibility CSS fixes. * Conflicts with third party plugins / themes resolved by adding prefixed API. = 0.4.1 = * Slight refactoring... as usually * Compatibility with non-standard installs where plugins are not at wp-content * Minor CSS compatibility fixes * Spanish localization added, thanks to Dario Doidos * Turkish localization added, thanks to Emre Aydin * Added an option allowing to hide Usernoise button on mobile devices * Direct link to usernoise settings added to admin bar * Admin bar items not shown when Usernoise features are not available to the current user = 0.4 = * Post type changed to `un_feedback` to avoid conflicts. * Added an option not to show feedback button border. * Added a shortcut settings button at the feedback form. * Security hardening - now only administrators and editors can manage feedback. * Feedback button removed from HTML code to improve compatibility * Simplified localization loading = 0.3.1 = * Admin area fix - feedback types were not shown in Firefox * Submit feedback button compatibility with themes improved. * feedback_type_slug WP_Query option added * Portuguese localization added, thanks to rasilva * Feedback button z-index increased for sake of compatibility with themes = 0.3 = * "Email feedback author" feature added. * IE8 with left-positioned button fixed. * JS code refactored totally, became much more extensible. * Feedback form is loaded with separate ajax request now. * Usernoise frontend code is not loaded at the backend now. = 0.2.3 = * Minor optimization * Compatibility with older jQuery versions < 1.4.1 * CSS code refactored * Added "un_feedback_form_body" action to allow adding new fields. = 0.2.2 = * Dashboard widget added * IE9 compatibility fix * "Feedback button position" option added * French localization added, thanks to Brad Coudray = 0.2.1 = * Added admin notifications settings * Duplicated usernoise settings section link in admin UI to make it cleaner * Bugfix: usernoise did not load jquery, relying on loading it by WP theme * Feedback form style updated a bit * Dutch localization added, thanks to Reggie Biemans * Localization bugs fixed = 0.2 = * Customizable feedback button color * Customizable form font * Localization-ready * Russian localization * Added an option not to show email field * Feedback is ordered by date descending by default * Hooks added to single feedback item page * Some bugfixes * Added some hooks to get prepared for Usernoise Pro = 0.1.1 = * Minor bugfixes = 0.1 = * Initial release